An Innovative Meeting: From Foundation to Innovation

Dr. Mohammed AlSurf, keynote speaker for even held by St. Andrews University of UK

Dr. Mohammed AlSurf represents the SPSA and the Kingdom in his Keynote Speech: Building a Sustainable Future - Innovations Rooted in Saudi Heritage

Saudi Arabia has a rich heritage of architecture and design - which is becoming more popular and represented in motifs of print materials, architectural and interior designs, fashion and more.

In his keynote speech for this hybrid online & in-person event held at University of St. Andrews, and coinciding with Saudi Arabia’s Foundation Day celebration, (February 22, 2025), Dr. Mohammed brought forth an appropriate topic approaching solutions for a sustainable future via implementation of innovations which are rooted in Saudi heritage and original traditional Saudi architecture practices and designs.

No recording yet available of this event, but we will keep you posted if we have access to it in the future.

Balqees Mohammed

Graphics designer & Website Designer/administrator / editor


MOU between the Sustainability Professionals of Saudi Arabia (SPSA) Association and the University of Business and Technology (UBT)


Circular Economy Alliance proudly Enlists Dr. Mohammed AlSurf to the Strategic Foresight Board